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DRI Reformer Tube


DRI Reformer Tube

  • 產(chǎn)品描述
    • : DRI Reformer Tube
    • : DRI Reformer Tube

    Direct reduction iron is the low carbon porous substances formed by fine iron powder or iron oxide in the furnace through low temperature reduction. The content is stable and has fewer impurities which are used as raw materials of steel making for electric arc furnace; it could be the coolant in reformer steelmaking and also be used for powder metallurgy after secondary reduction.   
    At present, the advanced production technology is to use the reducing gas in the furnace for direct reduction; the key of this process is to provide suitable reduction gas. In the condition of sufficient natural gas to form the reduction gas through reformer furnace, similar to hydrogen reformer furnace。

NPA has strong R&D ability and has been working closely and extensively with several scientific research institutes and colleges to develop relevant products. 


Keywords: Radiant Tubes | Furnace Rolls | Combustion System | Glass Rolls

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